
Hey there! For fun, I’m a hobby travel and lifestyle photographer while my main profession is in branding and marketing. I’m from Canada and currently living in Argentina. My acquiring of Spanish is slow and steady, there’s much to learn!
I’m a big fan of baking sourdough and I’ve started a blog about it. You can read my latest articles at thewealthybaker.com.
My latest work project was for a new exterior house cleaning business in Abbotsford called Zander SoftWash Ltd. I developed the overall brand, website, and some stationary material as well. You can check the website out at zandersoftwash.com.
I’m not too hip on social media. However, there are a some places you can find my profile:
~ You can find me on Pinterest here: https://www.pinterest.com/joshuawallphotography/
~ Additionally, I can be found on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@digitwall

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